Meet Me in the Middle 1.1

Meet Me in the Middle
A Sims 4 Story by Lizzy
Chapter 1: Feeling Left Out

For a long time, I felt really left out.  Most days, I played by myself.  Boris, the family dog, was my faithful companion... That was until Noah came home from school and then I was forgotten again, just a boring toddler.

Sure, I shared a room with my brother, but I felt really lonely.  My parents would work all the time and when they weren't working, they were sleeping.

My mom would wear strange clothes to work.  Some days I didn't recognize her.  At first I thought she had an office job, but as I got older, I realized that wasn't true.  She was doing something that was frowned upon.  I just didn't understand it yet.  I was too young.

My dad would leave late at night when the sun was long gone.  He'd leave empty handed and come back with money in his pocket.  I think some part of me, deep down, knew what he was doing, and knew it was wrong.

Most days, I played by myself.  Noah had his friends.  Dad had his gang.  Mom had the baby.

Boy did I hate that baby.  David was the reason I was a middle child.  Before, I was the youngest.  I got all the attention. I was always told how cute I was and how smart I'd become, but now mom doesn't play with me anymore.  She's too busy working or taking care of the baby.  Of course, dad is the same way.  When mom is home, dad is at work and when dad is home, mom is at work.  They can't afford daycare. I'm not complaining or anything.  My family doesn't need to be rich.  I just wish... I wish they cared about me too, the way they care about Noah and his soccer games.

Dad spends all his free time with Noah.  He says they're doing boy stuff and a girl like me wouldn't be interested.  I just can't help but feel I'm being left behind.  But that's silly, isn't it? After all, I'm only four years old.  Loneliness shouldn't kick in until I'm thirty and living with ten cats. But yet... Feeling left out doesn't feel too good.
