Meet Me in the Middle
A Sims 4 Story by Lizzy
Chapter 2: The New Neighbors
The summer I turned five, construction started on the empty lot beside our house. Dad said we were getting new neighbors. We'd never really had neighbors before, unless you count the crazy cat lady who lived next door. I wondered what these people would be like.
Fast forward to today. The neighbors just moved in. Mom says, "Brina, get dressed honey. We're going over to greet the new neighbors."
I stare at her, confused for a moment. I've never had neighbors before. I wonder if they'll be nice. As I get dressed, I sing a happy song about rabbits to myself, "And they hop and hip and hop hop hop all around." I like rabbits a lot. Noah says they're stupid but I really like rabbits.
When we get there, there is a small little boy, who looks about my age. His name is Aiden. Aiden Johnson. Our parents leave us outside to enjoy Mr. and Mrs. Johnson's pool. They have a bar and Mr. Johnson makes an excellent juice cocktail. Aiden and I regard each other silently for a bit before he asks, "Do you like dinosaurs?"
I smile, "Yeah, I love dinosaurs. Do you like rabbits?"
He nods so much his head could fall off, "Yeah, they can jump so high!"
My grin gets wider. I think I just made my first friend. We spend the rest of the day playing dolls or chasing his cats. Aiden has two cats. One is blue and shiny. The other looks like a taco.
While I'm petting the blue cat, Aiden's parents come and start talking to him. I don't understand them and it's not because I'm four. They're not speaking Simlish. They're speaking with strange shiny-sounding voices, like they're aliens or something. Aiden listens quietly and his smile falls.
He looks at me and for a moment, his parents notice I'm there and then they disregard me like I don't matter. It's only when my parents come around the corner that they revert back to Simlish. Surin, Aiden's mom, speaks, "And remember honey, you can see your friend tomorrow. After all, you are going to Kindergarten together."
My mom looks down and smiles at me, "That's right. You two are starting at Landgraab Elementary on Monday."
Before I know it, Kindergarten year flies by fast. Every day after school, I go over to Aiden's house and we play together. He has the coolest toys. And everything in his house is so fancy. His parents must make a lot of money to get a blender that talks to them.
I don't care about that though. What I care about is how nice Aiden's parents are. They ask me about my day and they stop whatever they're doing to listen to me. I know they don't really care about how I broke my favorite pink crayon or the new words I learned to write but it's so nice to get attention. My parents barely notice I'm gone.
Sometimes, Aiden gets this really sad look on his face but then it disappears just as quickly when he sees me. I make him happy. My parents look at Noah like that. By the end of Kindergarten year, Aiden and I are best friends. He wants to invite me on vacation with his family. His dad, Quincy, thinks it's a great idea and he asks my dad if they can bring me along.
My dad thinks it's a great idea! Of course, I already know why he's agreeing. He and his gang are doing something dangerous next week and he doesn't want me at home. Mom took Noah and David to a soccer tournament in Windenburg. I was supposed to go stay with my grandma in the city, but this is so much easier. My dad doesn't have to explain to my grandma why he's dropping me off for no reason. Right now, I'm happy that my dad is a crook. It means I get to go on vacation with Aiden.
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