Meet Me in the Middle
A Sims 4 Story by Lizzy
Chapter 4: Camping with the Johnsons
The week before 1st grade started, Sabrina went on vacation with the Johnsons. They had rented a cabin up in Granite Falls. Her dad wanted her out of the house so he could do his shady business without her around. He didn't even wave goodbye as she drove off with the Johnsons in their blue sedan.
Surin smiled at her in the rearview mirror, "Got everything, Brina?"
Sabrina nodded, "Yes, Mrs. Johnson. Thank you for letting me come."
Quincy spoke, "Oh it's no problem, Brina. We love having you. I just wish we could have found a boarder to take the cats for the week."
Brina took a peek in the back where Brenda and Rohan sat in little crates, looking very unhappy while Surin brushed him off, "Oh, I'm sure they'll be fine. I've heard Granite Falls is very pet friendly. Remember the Novaks brought their dogs here just last month. Besides a squirrel attack, they were fine."
Aiden rolled his eyes at her while his parents continued to bicker light-heartedly. Brina grinned at him, super excited for the trip. There were so many things she wanted to do.
When they finally pulled up to the cabin, Brina got out, open-mouthed, "Wow, you rented this place?"
Surin nodded, "Yeah. It's a bit grungy, but it'll do."
Sabrina looked at her, wide-eyed, "Are you kidding me? It's gorgeous! And so big! I bet it has like twenty rooms!"
"Well it has seven beds," Quincy stated. "And a fantastic kitchen."
Aiden grabbed her hand, "Come on, there's a great dollhouse in the back."
"Have you been here before?" Sabrina asked.
"Yeah, we come very year," Aiden said as they sat down in front of the dollhouse. "Here, this is Ginny. She looks like you."
Brina took the doll and handed him a racecar, "And this looks like your car from back home."
Aiden chuckled, "Yeah it sure does."
While they played dolls, Mr. Johnson, who was an excellent chef, made his famous 7 cheese macaroni. Sabrina spotted Brenda trying to sneak up on him, but Quincy shooed the cat away. Soon, they were all gathered around the table having family dinner.
Sabrina had never had family dinner before. She always fended for herself back home. It turned out that family dinner was fun. She learned that Surin was a scientist at Future Sim Labs and that Quincy was the Head Chef at Chez Llama and was working on opening his own place. He wanted to call it Boiling Rock Cafe and make only stews for the menu. Surin rolled her eyes at him, convinced the idea would never gain enough traction.
Eventually, Quincy changed the subject, "So enough about us, what do you want to be when you grow up, Brina?"
Brina paused for a moment, "Um, what do you mean?"
Aiden replied, "Like after you graduate. I want to be a musician."
"That's so cool," Brina said. "I've never really thought about what I want to be. Maybe a doctor, or a scientist like you, Mrs. Johnson. That would be really cool."
"Oh, maybe one day I could show you the lab," Surin said. "They're always looking to engage bright young minds. Maybe when you're older you could even get an internship."
"That would be so cool," Brina said excitedly.
She smiled warmly and started to clean up, "Now you kids go run off and play. Explore the house a bit."
Aiden grabbed her hand, "Come on. I'll show you my favorite room."
Brina followed close behind, taking the stairs two at a time to keep up with Aiden. Down the hallway and to the right there was a cozy room with a fireplace and a foosball table.
"Aw cool!" Brina said excitedly. "Best two out of three?"
"You're on," Aiden said.
They spent several hours playing foosball before Surin called up to them, "Alright you two. Time for bed! We've got a big day tomorrow!"
In the morning, Mr. Johnson took them fishing. Sabrina had never been fishing before.
Quincy helped her get the hook on the line and taught her how to cast, "Now just lean back as far as you can and then think of the rod as an extension of your arm that is throwing the hook. There you go. That's it. Great job, Brina."
Aiden had already caught several fish while Mr. Johnson taught her what to do. He was just reeling in another one and was having some difficulty.
"Dad, I think I got a big one. It's pulling hard," he said excitedly.
"Keep on reeling it in, Aiden. Don't let go," Quincy encouraged.
"I think I got it!" Aiden shouted as he pulled out.... a squid?
Aiden's grin fell as he stared at the giant mess of seaweed, "I caught trash?"
Sabrina laughed. Aiden just looked so confused now.
The morning passed by quickly. A little too quickly. They caught lots of fish and threw most of them back. Mr. Johnson caught a bass large enough for them to cook a whole meal from. As lunch time neared, they started reeling in their hooks. Surin had made sandwiches and Sabrina's stomach was growling.
She frowned as her line seemed to catch on something, "Mr. Johnson, I think I'm stuck."
He came over and helped her with the rod, "I don't think so, Brina. I think you might have caught a big one. Keep reeling it in slowly."
Sabrina nodded and kept winding up the line. Little by little, whatever she caught came closer and closer. Soon she was able to pull it out of the water. It was an old tackle box.
"Oh cool," Aiden said. "I bet there's treasure inside."
Quincy laughed, "Maybe. I bet it's lures and hooks, though."
Sabrina opened set it on the ground and opened it up. Sure enough, there were lures and hooks in there, along with an old map that might lead to treasure.
She showed the other two, "Hey, isn't this Granite Falls?"
Quincy looked at it, "Yeah, it is. I think we might have a treasure hunt on our hands. Let's go up to the park after lunch and see what we can find."
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