Meet Me in the Middle 1.3

Meet Me in the Middle
A Sims 4 Story by Lizzy
Chapter 3: Aiden's Family Secret

This part of the story occurs simultaneously with Chapter 2.  It is from Aiden's point of view.

Aiden was smart for a boy his age.  His parents were smart too.  Back home on Sixam, they were scientists.  His mom was a professional Pollinator, but Sixam was getting too crowded so they left and moved to Newcrest.  His parents thought that he would be sad to leave all his friends behind, but Aiden was excited to see the human sim world.

Mom and dad explained to him that people on earth didn't know about aliens so he needed to disguise himself.  They lectured him over and over and over until they were sure he would understand to keep his disguise on in front of the human sims.  Aiden knew what was required of him to keep his family safe.  He didn't think he'd have an issue with it until he met Brina.

Sabrina Beryl was the human girl who lived next door to them in their new house.  Aiden got along with her really well.  They played dinosaurs and rabbits together all the time.  At school, they sat next to each other in Kindergarten class.  Aiden shared his apples and Brina shared her pudding.  His mom would pick them up from school and then they'd go to his house and chase the cats around.

Dad didn't like that.  One of the cats, Brenda, was actually his sister (Aiden's aunt). She had accidentally turned herself into a cat during an experiment on cloning and no one could get her back to normal.

The other cat, Rohan, was a mean Sixamese.  Dad was always worried that Aiden and Brina would get hurt playing with Rohan.  They never listened.  Instead, they made a game out of it.

Everyday was the best day ever.  He played with Brina and Mom and Dad all day long.  Even school was fun.  Aiden didn't worry about a thing until he realized they were going on vacation and he wouldn't see Brina for a few weeks.  That was like forever to a five year old.  Who would he play dinosaurs and rabbits with now?

He asked his mom, Surin, "Can we invite Brina to go on vacation with us?"

Surin smiled, "Oh honey, no.  Brina has her own family that cares about her.  They'd miss her too much to let her go with us.  Don't worry, though, we'll be back soon."

Aiden frowned, "But mom, I don't want to go if Brina can't come."

So Aiden went to his dad and asked, "Hey dad, can Brina go on vacation with us?"

His dad sighed, "Aiden, you know why Brina can't come with us.  Didn't your mother explain it to you already?"

His mom joined them, "Aiden honey, we're aliens.  We're not like Brina and her family. We have to be careful around humans so as not to give away ourselves.  They don't always react well."

Aiden frowned, "Please. I'll be really careful.  I promise."

His dad took one look at his pouty face and gave in, "Okay. You can invite Brina to come with us but it's up to her parents to decide."

Aiden grinned, "Yey!"

Bonus pictures of the cats:
